
隙間 From the Narrow Passages - 黃亞紀 Ya-Chi Huang

「隙間」這系列完成在2001年,是我在日本創作的第三個系列作品,但即便到了今天,我仍認為作品並未完全表述我對於「full but empty, empty but full」的概念,某種程度是一篇未講完的故事。

「full but empty, empty but full」源自對於感情的體認,留學生活是快樂且孤獨的,尤其在感情生活上不能預知最後的結果,可說這句極具哲理的探討,其實只是來自20多歲青春的牢騷;但在自我提出之後,才發現如此生活性的感受,其實可以推展成思想和藝術領域的表現,聲音、視覺、空間、光線,無不是構成此奇妙次元的可能。

「隙間」是這個理念的實驗,我讓來自生活的體認回歸到生活纖細的場景,在那些我們不曾注意的各種隙縫中間,我提示某種存在。這些被強調的隙縫,猶如生活在黑暗中突然被射燈打亮、來到舞台中間;其實,「隙間」也反映出那些身處異鄉的日子中,那些無法入睡的寂靜夜裡,當視覺習慣了黑暗,卻在其中發現更為黑暗的隙縫-它或許是一個通道,通往一個未知的somewhere else;那些被我照亮的隙縫,或許代表了我對於更為黑暗的嚮往。

之後,我看過不少對於「full but empty, empty but full」相關的表現,我甚至忘了我曾經如何以「隙間」去表達,直到今年汝慧同我再把這套作品拿出來時。即便到了今天,「隙間」仍是套很美的作品,雖然它未能把那個想法講到極致,但卻真的是我旅居日本幾年不可取代的記憶。

From the Narrow Passages series was created in 2001 as my third series in Japan. Even till today, I still feelI have not expressed my thinking about “full but empty, empty but full” completely. In a way, it is a story unfinished.

“full but empty, empty but full” came to my mind when I studied in Kobe. The life living abroad is cheerful but lonely, especially it is hard to find a promised relationship. Therefore, this philosophic phrase is a sentimental statement rather than a rational consideration in the beginning. But after bringing up it, I found it can be extended into the expression of arts as well. The mystery can be interpreted in sound, vision, space, light and etc.

From the Narrow Passages is the experiment of this idea. I bring the understanding of life back to the tiny detail of my daily scene. I found the narrow seams which we usually pay no attention to and emphasized them by lighting them up. From the Narrow Passages can be seemed as my diary of nostalgia as well - there were always some nights I cannot fall asleep. When the eyes were used to the darkness, I found the darkest things are the seams and stared them. They might be the passages to somewhere I don’t know. They are the symbol I yearn for the darkness.

Till now, I saw lots of works approaching “full but empty, empty but full”. I admired them and even forgot how I have expressed the same idea by From the Narrow Passages. If curator Emma didn’t ask me to show these works, I definitely wound not remember. Even till today, From the Narrow Passages is still a very beautiful series. Although it is a story unfinished, it is my recollection of the youth.
