李錦繡1953年生於台灣嘉義。1972-76年國立台灣師範大學美術系畢業。1984年入法國文化部所屬國立 巴黎高等裝飾藝術學院造形藝術第二階段(碩士)空間藝術部,畢業時獲得「塔龍斯」首獎。1986年畢業返國定居台南,兼任現國立台南大學美術系講師。2001-03年獨居工作室,2003年病逝台南成大醫院安寧病房。李錦繡擅長以平面繪畫表現空間的穿透與重置、色彩的精準拿捏(尤其擅於處理中間色調)以及線條的靈動。自1977年起,曾與同儕創自由畫會、現代眼畫會、麒麟畫會、2號公寓等。
1953 born in Chiayi Taiwan. 1976 graduated from the Department of Art, National Taiwan Normal University. 1984 graduated from L’Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Arts-Decoratifs and won the first prize of Prix Talens. 1986 after graduation settled down in Tainan and as a lecturer in Department of Art, National University of Tainan. 2001-2003 lived alone in her studio, 2003 passed away in National Cheng Kung University Hospital Hospice. Lii’s paintings showed penetration and reconstruction of space, precise measurement of color (especially mid-tone) and nimble flows of lines, those were her excellence. From 1977, found several painting associations such as Liberty, Modern Eyes, Kylin and Apartment No.2 with her generation.
李錦繡1953年生於台灣嘉義。1972-76年國立台灣師範大學美術系畢業。1984年入法國文化部所屬國立 巴黎高等裝飾藝術學院造形藝術第二階段(碩士)空間藝術部,畢業時獲得「塔龍斯」首獎。1986年畢業返國定居台南,兼任現國立台南大學美術系講師。2001-03年獨居工作室,2003年病逝台南成大醫院安寧病房。李錦繡擅長以平面繪畫表現空間的穿透與重置、色彩的精準拿捏(尤其擅於處理中間色調)以及線條的靈動。自1977年起,曾與同儕創自由畫會、現代眼畫會、麒麟畫會、2號公寓等。
1953 born in Chiayi Taiwan. 1976 graduated from the Department of Art, National Taiwan Normal University. 1984 graduated from L’Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Arts-Decoratifs and won the first prize of Prix Talens. 1986 after graduation settled down in Tainan and as a lecturer in Department of Art, National University of Tainan. 2001-2003 lived alone in her studio, 2003 passed away in National Cheng Kung University Hospital Hospice. Lii’s paintings showed penetration and reconstruction of space, precise measurement of color (especially mid-tone) and nimble flows of lines, those were her excellence. From 1977, found several painting associations such as Liberty, Modern Eyes, Kylin and Apartment No.2 with her generation.