
大地、生命與愛戀 -- 黃步青個展


開幕:8/1 3:00pm
展覽地點:金枝藝術 苗栗縣苑裡鎮新復里4鄰41-3號
電話:037-864858 / 0939739787
參觀時間:1:00-6:00 pm (請來電預約參觀)







1966 生於台灣嘉義

1996. 采石藝術中心 嘉義
1998. 東海大學藝術中心 台中
1999. 國立清華大學藝術中心 新竹
1999. 靜宜大學藝術中心 台中
2000. 台中港區藝術館 台中
2002. Sevilla 市政府畫廊 西班牙. 塞維亞
2003. Carmona市政府畫廊 西班牙. 加爾摩納
2007 東海大學藝術中心 台中
2009 金枝藝術 苗栗苑裡

1998. 塞內加爾 .達卡-「第二屆國際青年藝術造型聯展」
1999. 台北-大未來畫廊 「入-Zoo 聯展」
2001. 西班牙.塞維亞-烏拉圭館Pabellon Uruguay. Sevilla. Spain
2001. 西班牙.塞維亞藝術學院畫廊Facultad de Bellas Artes Sala de Exposiones. Sevilla. Spain
2001. 西班牙.塞維亞環保署畫廊 Corredor Verde del Cuadiamar. Sevilla. Spain
2002. 西班牙.塞維亞藝術學院畫廊 Facultad de Bellas Artes Sala de Exposiones. Sevilla. Spain
2002. 嘉義文化中心 「西班牙與台灣畫家聯展」
2003. 西班牙.塞維亞Galeria Manuela Talaverano畫廊「紅沙發聯展」 Sevilla. Spain
2003. 嘉義鐵道倉庫-「異時-在地」台中←→「嘉義鐵道倉庫交流展」
2003. 高雄國際貨櫃藝術節
2005. 東海大學藝術中心 台北師範大學 師大畫廊-「人文閱讀」
2005. 嘉義鐵道倉庫-「台灣-西班牙 藝秧藝漾優」
2005 韓國光州 台灣藝術家「愛之維谷-台灣當代繪畫的迴旋曲式」
2005 台中國美館 台灣藝術家「愛之維谷-台灣當代繪畫的迴旋曲式」
2005 台北國立台北藝術大學 台灣藝術家「愛之維谷-台灣當代繪畫的迴旋曲式」
2005 廈門大學藝術學院美術館 「台灣東海大學美術系教師作品聯展」
2006 嘉義博物館「黑木靜色」聯展
2006 台中文英館「黑木靜色」聯展
2006 嘉義博物館「百號油畫大展」
2007 台中月臨畫廊「玩花樣」
2008 西班牙哥多華Artágora「視覺平行Miradas paralelas」
2008 西班牙哥多華「Mateo Inurria」畫廊「視覺平行Miradas paralelas」
2008 西班牙SEVILLA 「視覺平行Miradas paralelas」
2008 嘉義博物館「視覺平行Miradas paralelas」
2008 台北大趨勢畫廊「我未曾離去-繪畫之離騷」
2009 紐約Bridge藝術博覽會

1984-1988. 國立台灣師範大學美術系
1990-2004. 國立嘉義高中美術班專任老師
1996-1998. 私立東海大學美術系研究所
1998-2000. 國立嘉義大學兼任講師
2003. 西班牙塞維亞大學藝術學院博士候選人
2004-2008. 東海大學兼任講師
2006-2008 雲林科技大學兼任講師

1987. 國立台灣師範大學美術系展油畫第三名
1988. 國立台灣師範大學美術畢業展油畫第一名 水彩第三名
1992. 台北國際版畫素描雙聯展
1993. 第六屆台北國際版畫素描雙聯展

Chen Chieh-Yi

1966 Born in ChiaYi, Taiwan
1984-1988 B.F.A Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University
1996-1998 M.F.A Department of Fine Arts, TungHai University
1998-2000 Adjunct Instructor of National Chaiyi University
2003 Dr. Candidate at Facultad de Bellas Artes, Sevilla, Spain


2009 JIN-ZHI gallery, Yuanli, Miaoli
2007 TungHai University Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan
2003 Galeria del Ayuntamiento en Carmona, Carmona, Spain
2002 Galeria del Ayuntamiento en Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain
2000 Taichung County Seaport Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan
1999 Providence University Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan
1999 National Tsing Hua University Art Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
1998 TungHai University art Center, Taichung, Taiwan
1996 Tsai-Shih Art Center, ChiaYi, Taiwan


2009 ´´Bridge New York-Art Fair``, New York, US
2008 ´´ Never Walk Away-Painting´s LiSao``, Main Trend Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2008 ´´Mirada Paralelas``, Sevilla, Spain
2008 ´´Mirada Paralelas``, Cordoba, Spain
2008 ´´Mirada Paralelas``, ChiaYi Municipal Museum, Chiayi, Taiwan
2007 ´´Taiwan-Sapin Printmaking Group Exhibition``, Artágora, Spain
2006 ´´100F Oil Painting Group Exhition``, ChiaYi Municipal Museum, Chiayi, Taiwan
2005 ´´Group Exhibition of Professor of Fine Arts of TungHai Univesity``, Art Collage of Xiamen University Museum, Xiamen ,China
2005 ´´ Scylla and Charybdis in Love-The Challenges Facing Contemporary Taiwanese Artists``, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art, TaiChung, Taiwan
2004 ´´ Scylla and Charybdis in Love-The Challenges Facing Contemporary Taiwanese Artists``, Gwangju Art Museum, Gwangju, Korea
2003 ´´Asynchronism in Local``, Stock 20, Taichung,-Chiayi village of Railway Art Chiayi, Taiwan
2003 ´´ Red Couch``, Galeria Manuela Talaverano, Sevilla, Spain
2002 Facultad de Bellas Artes sala de Exposiciones, Sevilla, Spain
2001 Corredor Verde del Cuadiamar, Sevilla, Spain
2001 Facultad de Bellas Artes sala de Exposiciones, Sevilla, Spain
2001 Pabellon Uruguay, Sevilla, Sapin
1999 ´´Entry-Zoo``, Lin-Keng Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


1987 Oil Painting in the exhibition of department of Fine Arts of National Taiwan Normal University / The 3rd Prize
1988 Oil painting Section/ 1st Prize, Water Color Section/3rd Prize in the Exhibition of Graduation of Department of Fine Arts of National Taiwan Normal University
1992 International Biennial Print and Drawing Exhibition R.O.C/ Selected
1993 The 6th International Biennial Print and Drawing Exhibition R.O.C/ Selected



在訪談過程中,他告訴筆者:「在落款處的『彈甲一』,就是我」,那是藝術家姓名有意思的台語發音。介一也不斷告訴著我,他的創作,要在直覺與幽默中,找到藝術裏令人觀之躍動的 ── 真。

但也因為世界的變化無定,使得作品經常必須在新奇有趣(幽默),與某種悲傷中拉扯,或者說交織在兩者之間,對創作者的主體而言,世界正因她的快速變化,而顯得如此新奇、刺激,另一方面,卻也因為同樣的原因,主體總必須面對世界在如此快速解構中不停消逝的傷感,沒什麼能長久吸引著我們的藝術家,可以想像在這種生存方式中,伴隨的強烈無聊感。此處,之所以提及這點,與我對介一畫作的最初印象有關,似乎在他的作品中藏著更深刻的哀傷氣質和虛無,從這點想,我便可以體會到。無獨有偶,介一第一次較系統地爬梳自己的創作,即他的碩士論文(1998),主題便是幽默表現手法後的悲劇性格 ── 幽默的最大意義,似乎正在於它凸顯出一個不能跨越的紅線 - 當這條線被跨越後,我們便會發現世界變化不居的背後,意義的空無和寂寥。或者,我們尚可換過來這麼說,這個世界之所以充滿意義和幽默,對介一而言,是他的意志所賦予的,而他也始終堅持著這點,不允許任何人對此否認,因此,對他而言,創作,總是為了自身的。也因此,我們可以在他的作品與自述中清楚意識到、閱讀到,他的創作,始終是為了自己的。他並未預設要邀請任何人成為觀者。


造型上自動變化的特徵,關於此點,介一還曾轉借超現實主義的「自動性技法」概念來捕捉它,固然,我並不認為他的繪畫是在試圖實現Andre Breton所謂的「純粹心靈之無意識行為」(pure psychic automatism),但他的作品,確實在有意無意之間,充滿著藉自由聯想而讓物象本身自由奔馳的況味。此外,介一作品的另一個特徵,也確實加深了他的繪畫中想像力奔放的特徵,亦即他對「無盡頭的思考」(The endless thinking)模式的偏好,在他的畫作中,無論油彩、壓克力,或者較晚近採納的水墨媒材,裡頭的山、水、空間、景物、人物、動物或樹木等形象,其實是(不斷地)交錯變化生出的產物,而在展示空間中,所呈現在觀者眼前的,其實只是「暫時的結局」(temporary end)罷了,我們千萬不要誤以為這就是某件作品的最終曲。



不願過度究竟的特質,也使得他在進行不同媒材的系列創作時,作品數量經常不會超過10張,探索時間也常不超過一個月。更重要的是,在探索的過程中,介一總會在看似疏懶卻又熱情的姿態裏,或說嘗試在「遷想妙得」之間,企圖捕捉到某個「梗」(我更偏好用畫面中的「刺點」去指稱之)。這個「梗」,經常會成功地創造出反一般認知邏輯的意象,若連結上段的討論,「梗」的出現其實就是懸崖已至、「轉彎」出現的象徵,由此,畫面空間的意涵與既有造型語彙被整個逆反。我認為,介一在從西班牙回國後所做的「粉紅荒原中的米老鼠」的作品,便是一個很好的例子。另一個好例子,則是某作中出現的,彷彿是在斑馬線上剖開的西瓜中帶著小丑長相的聖母。米老鼠與小丑長相的聖母等符號,似乎都不會出現在畫面中的那個空間之中,寂寥的荒原與歡樂意涵的「Mickey Mouse」、俗世不堪的城市馬路與神聖的聖母像,似乎不是同一個符號範疇中的事物,而介一的創作,也在如此意義反差極高、邏輯衝突性極高的情況下,為觀者開創出了新的認知模式,幽默便來自於斯,意趣來自於斯,但世界的分裂、不安定特質,和由於不安定所牽連出的伏流般的哀傷況味,亦來自於斯。但卻在我體會著介一作品中的哀傷感時,耳邊卻同時響起他的話:「我喜歡畫可愛的東西」,兩者間竟也不相違背。如此思索,感傷與輕鬆,虛無與熱情,幽默與暴力…,等等看似矛盾的事物和性格,我深深覺得其實都存在於介一身上,而這也成為了他創作的驅力和源泉。[1]


[1] 此外,關於他的水墨,簡潔地說,我認為,確實打開了一種很特殊的意象,並且也因為水墨的媒材特性,更使得介一能夠進行想像力的揮灑。水墨原本不是他常親近或思考的媒材,大約在西班牙留學期間,旅歐的生活,幫助他重新觀照了自身的文化,水墨才成為他經常思索、體驗的對象。但介一的水墨比許多創作者更為自在,更能「鬆」,他自然地納入了不同元素,並讓它們與傳統的林木筆法與山石皴法相互融合,還隨機地寫下許多意味盎然的題詞和落款。整體畫面結構有時紛亂無章,卻在無心機間顯得生動有致,呈現出某種現代的可視、可遊、可居之感。

【米老鼠的一生】 陳介一個展

米老鼠的一生 陳介一個展
草坪啤酒開幕日Beers opening:2009.5.16 (六) 3:00 pm

hours:1-6 pm (週一休Monday closed)
請來電預約參觀(by appointment)



A Hymn for a Small Town in a Leisure Mood

by Hsiu-chih,Lo

In contemplating Liang Chi-Ching’s paintings, we find that his twenty-year-long artistic career always waver between two poles : realism and abstraction. It is like the rhythm of a swaying pendulum : upon finishing a realist painting, the artist wavers towards the mental landscape of abstraction. He comes back and forth, several times without ever coming to a pause. The viewer cannot help muttering to him/herself:just why does the artist waver in this way?What is the relation between his realism and his abstraction?
It is more than ten years that I came to know Liang. He always concentrates on the painting practice in the house his parents left him in the small town, Yuanli of Miaoli county. The first vivid impression is the big fish jar at the entrance of his house, which is only to be found in the aquariums, wherein were kept a universe of fish which was so beautiful to the extent of becoming surreal. There were also thick plants and bushes planted on the rooftop. Then there were tea, wine and cigarette, which was necessary for chatting with friends, as well as the secret words written on the wall by him and his brother on whom he depended. Later, in order to focus on the interaction with the nature, he once moved, all by himself, to live on the hills between Yuanli and Sanyi, where there is almost no human presence. To see him, you had to drive across crooked mountain roads, which was not at all easy. I always have a feeling when confronting such an artist and the works he did in recent years : the paintings are like familiar melodies casually hummed, which are filled with the leisure mood of the taste of life in a small town. Even though with much confusion, an observer like me can enjoy the comfortable ambiance therein, just like contemplating the fish world he created.
Some people, including me, would naturally measure Liang’s work in the terms that are popular in the contemporary art and feel it to be quite out of time. This is particularly for those who are familiar with international biennials which they see as representative of contemporary art, they will doubt even more. In the years when the art world is already invaded by installations, videos and new media works, paintings on the easels are not so welcomed. Since Liang continues to paint ‘Taiwan landscape’ and sketches of plants, there is even less what we call the market potential. I ever wrote a text in order to resolve my such confusion. This is how I introduced Liang’s realistic landscape :’Liang depicts Taiwan’s natural things and scenes slowly (almost merely one work per year). In order to concentrate on the interactions with nature, and to paint in tranquility, he retreats up on the hills all alone, where there is hardly any human trace. Fallow and After the Autumn’ are early works of Liang. There is no cattle, farmer or red doors, broken jars : thoses viually charged totemic signs. In his eyes, in the rural village landscape, there are only hills and forests in their tranquility, imbued with a delicate atmosphere. Fallow delicately depicts the village houses in their diversity with a beauty of collage, as well as the crisscross paths between the farms and light poles of different heights. Thus it rather creates a particularly simple realistic beauty and composes secular melodies of a normal village. Figure of Plants I inaugurates Liang’s serial depiction of all kinds of plants in Taiwan. With his superb realistic techniques and exceeding patience, he spent a whole year to finish the work. An obsession close to a struggle with objects depicted, or even to an intertwist of mutual interest, leads to the realization of portraits of banana trees, a familiar plant of the country, in close-ups. Whereas the painting does not seem to have any composition, it is intensely interesting. Figure of Plants II captures the beauty of the lines of the tree’s slender shape through the use of long format. As for Figure of Plants III, it focuses on the expression of the bulk of the Taiwan acacia. We cannot be sure about whether it is a bright sunny day when the Taiwan acacia is dotted with sunlight, or it is the loose impression left after a nocturne visit with yearning, imitating the ancient people who held the candles in their nocturne strolling. What is sure is that Taiwan acacia and banana trees attract Liang to a great extent. His attitude of close observation and concentrated seizure is close to a crash. If we imagine audaciously, we might say that the Taiwan geography documentation Liang created is like homeland love songs impregnated with emotion.

Such is my personal conclusion following the context of the construction of landscape in Taiwan’s art history. I tried to interprete Liang’s work throught the geneology starting from literati’s ink painting of Ming and Ching Dynasty, which was a period for immigration and cultivation, the landscape depiction in the imperialist eye of the Japanese colonial, the nostalogic landscape of the native period to the construction of ‘Taiwan geography documentation’ after the martial law was abolished. Therefore, I think, apart from the artist’s purpose of ‘releasing emotion by painting landscape’ or of ‘using the landscape to express one’s mood’, there lies another potential attempt closely related to the construction of the Taiwan geography documentation pertaining to Taiwan’s nationalist land measure.

There are always regular collectors for these realist works by Liang. Since he painted slowly, it is difficult to have even just one painting. It often happens that a painting is still half-done and it is already competed for by the collectors. It is not difficult to understand the phenomenon : if we follow what I understand as works in the style of Taiwan geography documentation tinted with nationalist measure, it will not only help to ‘know, treasure, praise and construct the special scape and the history of a place in order to form local sentiments and identification, unite the community and thus the collective consciousness of a group of people
’. Further, such works also help greatly in forming the gentry taste(or intellectual taste)of the community. For the elite and intellectuals who always reflect on the base of Taiwan’s local taste, is natural that they cannot be satisfied with the taste of the Seine River or the Mediteranian (the same for other foreign moods). Yet either the Taiwan landscape under the ‘imperialist’ gaze of the Japanese colonial period mingled with a general impressionism or the nostalgic complex of the native period, both naturally possess a kind of regret from not being able to say everything as one wishes. Liang’s work remedies exactly this lack, like the distorted mountain folk songs always in foreign languages and tones which can finally be sung in the native tongue, thus resonate harmoniously with the real daily life. It is only when the songs are sung that one can really release the emotion.

However, how about the abstraction pieces?In fact, from Thoughts of Desire (1995), Interior Landscape (1998) and Interior Figure (1999) to the Follow, Walk soon to be shown in the Jin-Zhi Gallery, the number of Liang’s abstract works exceeds greatly that of his realistic ones. I always understand his such oscillation between the realism and the abstraction in this way:the lines and colors struggling to escape the mission of depicting objects and figures can eventually stretch naturally and flow, as well as transform to become the protagonist of expression ; it is only after the process that the artist can really express his mastering over the painting elements in all freedom and approaches the creation of his original artistic universe. Also, the colors, the lines as well as the light and the space, the aesthetic awareness of which the artist accumulates in his life can be secretly separated from the substantial figure and then stow away into independent elements elaborated in the paintings, and play the main role of that universe. I always believe that the mountain contour over the skyline of my hometown, the expression of the camphor tree’s bulk in front of my gate, the sunlight in the evening sifted through the windowsills, the natural match of colors of the Taiwan acacia’s tiny yellow flowers over the hills, as well as of the blue sky…he natural phenomenon which has not changed much since our childhood, and even other traces of life exert a decisive influence on Liang’s aesthetic awareness. Through a realistic labor in ‘struggle’ and ‘intertwist’ with the natural phenomenon and objects, the elements such as lines, colors, light and space hidden in the phenomenon and the objects surely often appear during the artist’s wake in the night or his subconsciousness, which hover but also seduce the artist’s inspiration.

In Liang Chi-Ching’s artistic universe, the realistic and the abstract are in a dialectic relation as they are the inner side and the outside to one another. Maybe in Follow, Walk, we can glimpse the evening murmur of banana trees, the declaration of the blossoming Taiwan acacia, the lonely secrets of the hedychium coronarium, the elegance dance of the farms in fall, the bamboo bush’s monologue in the morning… So, the homeland melodies that Liang hums, be it artistic mood expressed by means of realism or abstraction, are all filled with the leisure mood of a small town.










[1] 羅秀芝,《台灣當代美術大系‧議題篇:文化‧殖民》,台北市:文建會,2003年,頁71-75。
[2] 同上註。


【隨‧行】 梁至青(梁高魁)個展

<隨行026>壓克力彩、美國棉胚布 146x100cm 2007



開幕:2009.2.14 3:00 pm
