註1:「不癲不戒」台語發音為「put tian put kai」,該詞由描述濟公的隨性風格而來,意為不三不四。
註2:「怪誵」台語發音為「kuài siâu」,意為怪異、荒誕。
Two glans dinosaurs intimately falling in love and running side by side across the world going to look the turtle family in the pond; not far away front, the large lizard weaponry crawls the advance toward the field. This hot summer day, the sunshine bright on the sky and incautiously the dinosaur is caught spanking the monkey…
Each time looked at Tung-Hsing Lu pile of sculpture model with excellent skills, the good time takes in everything at a glance quickly. Lu’s fundamental sculptural techniques create substantial structure and solid strength, which allow him to explore various dimensions beyond the flat horizon of the ordinary world. While most others fixate on aiming to rise above the ground, Tung-Hsing Lu’s sculpture stubbornly strives to root into the deep land below.
In the disposition great talent, frank also is exquisite, as well as one kind has the field ear fragrance“the non-urbanite sense of reality”, again mixes by often been talking by his mother said “put tian put kai” (note 1) weird creation idea in, therefore then the fingers and the palm forms this time in the soil to unfold for the first time the “kuài siâu” world (note 2).
Following our opening ground exhibition in May, we will next be launching Tung-Hsing Lu’s solo exhibition, which will also be part of the Art Taipei Fair in the end of August 2008. Representing Jin-Zhi Glallery in the Art Taipei fair will be a nearly three-meter high and six-meter long giant variant dinosaur originally transformed from the sculpture work of “VELOCIRAPTOR-EXPLORING FOR LOVE 3” by Tung-Hsing Lu in 2004. In addition, there will also be a limited number of “bronze figures” available for collection for entry level collectors.
Note 1: “Put tian put kai” the Taiwanese pronunciation, this word is by describes Ji Gong to come along with the natural style. It means “Not insane does not abstain”
Note 2: “kuài siâu” the Taiwanese pronunciation. It means “Whimsical and strange”
Each time looked at Tung-Hsing Lu pile of sculpture model with excellent skills, the good time takes in everything at a glance quickly. Lu’s fundamental sculptural techniques create substantial structure and solid strength, which allow him to explore various dimensions beyond the flat horizon of the ordinary world. While most others fixate on aiming to rise above the ground, Tung-Hsing Lu’s sculpture stubbornly strives to root into the deep land below.
In the disposition great talent, frank also is exquisite, as well as one kind has the field ear fragrance“the non-urbanite sense of reality”, again mixes by often been talking by his mother said “put tian put kai” (note 1) weird creation idea in, therefore then the fingers and the palm forms this time in the soil to unfold for the first time the “kuài siâu” world (note 2).
Following our opening ground exhibition in May, we will next be launching Tung-Hsing Lu’s solo exhibition, which will also be part of the Art Taipei Fair in the end of August 2008. Representing Jin-Zhi Glallery in the Art Taipei fair will be a nearly three-meter high and six-meter long giant variant dinosaur originally transformed from the sculpture work of “VELOCIRAPTOR-EXPLORING FOR LOVE 3” by Tung-Hsing Lu in 2004. In addition, there will also be a limited number of “bronze figures” available for collection for entry level collectors.
Note 1: “Put tian put kai” the Taiwanese pronunciation, this word is by describes Ji Gong to come along with the natural style. It means “Not insane does not abstain”
Note 2: “kuài siâu” the Taiwanese pronunciation. It means “Whimsical and strange”